Reconfigurable sequentially-packed ion (SPion) transfer device
Reconfigurable sequentially-packed ion (SPion) transfer device
Mass spectrometry system and method for analyzing biological samples
Ion analysis system and method with multiple ionization sources and analyzers
Apparatus and method for transferring ions between two analytical systems
Apparatus, system, and method for transporting biological samples between two analytical systems
Apparatus, system, and method for transferring ions ​
Systems and methods for super mass spectrometry​
Patent App. No. 18/789,390
Not published​
Patent App. No. 18/795,009
Not published
SPion is a registered trademark (Reg. No. 6,515,453) of Trace Matters Scientific.
Trace Matters, SPion Tube, SPion Motion, SPion Touch, SPion Link, and Super Mass Spec are trademarks of Trace Matters Scientific.